Breath & Sound

Breathwork, Voicework and Sacred Sound

God picks up the reed-flute world and blows
Each note is a need coming through one of us
A passion, a longing pain.
Remember the lips
Where the wind breath originated
And let your note be clear
Don’t try to end it


“One of my subtle yet big advances occurred many years ago when listening to a sound healer’s chakra chant on an old tape deck in a little cottage in the wilds of Scotland. That must have shaken something up in me vibrationally, as not long after, while giving a friend a Shiatsu treatment, sound arose and sang through me in a way I had never experienced before. This sparked my interest to explore further. Some months later, again in Scotland, I attended a mantra workshop that would change my life forever and take me on a journey of discovery exploring the potency of voice and sound to heal, release, realise and remember.”

In those early days of my adventures, I was blessed to work and train with many amazing teachers such as Chris and Jenny James, Jonathan Goldman, Muz Murray, Peter Volger, Don Conreaux, and a while later Simon Heather. I name them here as a bow of gratitude for the amazing foundation and springboard they provided for my next deep dives.

“It was around 1997 that I first met and heard Chloe Goodchild, the inspirational creator of the ‘Naked Voice’, and it was that initial meeting that catalysed yet another opening that has sung me along my spiritual journey ever since. It was through the Naked Voice that I truly started to come to know my own voice and sound wisdom. I completed the NV facilitator training, and I have been honoured ever since to support others in the liberation of their voice and heartsong. The power of chant, song, sound and silence is a well known path in the religions. However, to me it is also the discovery of your own sacred song, your own sound wisdom, heart voice and soul music that can provide an invaluable key to unlocking the door to healing, stillness, inner divinity, and knowing. To me the embracing of our own wholeness is greatly enhanced by reclaiming the aspects of our voice and presence that we keep ‘outside the door’.”

“So this has been and continues to be a journey of passion, transformation, and exploration into truth. Through this sound journey my own creative ‘voices’ of writing, musicianship and poetry awakened. In liberating my voice & sound, I have found a path back to my own heart.” – Jules

Now these trainings and experiences are woven together with other threads of creative and spiritual enquiry, to form various workshops and programs that have at their core the key intent to liberate your sound wisdom, your ‘naked’ voice and your soul and heartsong.

These workshops take various forms, from short residential retreats to a series of one-day workshops over several months…

Singing the Bones – with a primary focus on the Naked Voice.

Spirals of Brigid – with a focus more on poetry and the spoken & written word.

(Note: this work may be equally appropriate within individual sessions)

Voice work forms a core practice in Jules’ residential retreats, where as part of ceremony, ritual and/or processes of enquiry, vocal explorations will form part of the shamanic journey of releasing, remembering, and reclaiming…

As a related part of this enquiry (when physical meeting is allowed) Jules offers ‘breathwork’ sessions, both within groups and for individual clients and students.

No ritual,
No religion,
Is needed.
Just cry out one
Unobstructed cry


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