Useful external links & interesting offerings…
Note: It’s still early days for this website revision. This page of external resources will be added to over time. For now, find below a few links for useful online material, and check back again soon as there will definitely be more to come…

“Several years ago I trained in ‘Capacitar’: a system that brings together many different energy healing forms to create a supportive package for those, in particular, living with trauma and stress. However, I also find them good for general well being. Several of these are offered freely online by the Capacitar founder Pat Cane. Here are three of the practices I find really helpful”..

And two more…
Capacitar International – Chakra Tai Chi with Pat – YouTube
Capacitar International – Tai Chi – YouTube

Over the years I’ve had many teachers: two I particularly want to share are…
Chloe Goodchild
Chloë Goodchild | Naked Voice (
The Naked Voice | Transforming through Sound

Kim Rosen