Women’s Circles

Jules Heavens’ facilitation of women’s circles…

The circles Jules creates weave and combine movement, meditation and breathwork, with poetry, voice exploration, inner enquiry and ceremony, all experienced within carefully cultivated sacred space. These circles, and the fields they create, often take women on paths of profound self discovery, to places where each voice and presence can be heard and seen, witnessed and welcomed; and where space opens for each woman to discover and uncover her own natural gifts, knowing and beauty…

“I love the concept of a circle, and feel it offers, through its shape, a space that provides a starting point and foundation that assumes we are all equal and of value. It’s a form that is in continual flow, the end is the beginning is the end. It also aligns to the wheel of life through the seasons in nature and the cycle of life from birth to death: the myriad cycles of nature and the cyclical nature of the feminine.”

“In as much as I facilitate and lead, I come from the place that this privileged role does not imply any superiority. It’s an ‘authority’ that has as its main aim the empowerment of others: so that the women participating can connect into and remember their own authentic selves, and their own sovereign wisdom and innate knowing within.” – Jules

The time will come
when, with elation
you will greet yourself arriving
at your own door, in your own mirror
and each will smile at the other’s welcome,
and say, sit here. Eat.
You will love again the stranger who was your self.

……From Love After Love, by Derek Walcott

The content and cycles of the circles..

This varies greatly. Some are drop-in experiences and one-off events, others are part of deep enquiry programs, or associated with residential retreats. Still others follow a monthly pattern and take a shamanic journey through the turning year.

*In recent times during the covid pandemic Jules has reworked her circles for presentation online. She has also created a drop-in virtual circle for those women who are unable to commit to an ongoing connection. This too has the intent of offering a space of sisterhood that invites and supports revelation and insight, even though occasional in nature.

If you want to know more about planned circles or other upcoming events, you can sign up for Jules’ newsletter to receive updates and the latest info (see email form on the right: your details will never be passed on to anyone, and it’s easy to unsubscribe).

You can also check the Events diary of this website.

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